Friday, February 02, 2007

Long time no see..

One whole fucking month!! i mean i actually miss January 2007 in my bolg archive... My blog does not exist during the whole fraking January. Why?

Thanks to our No 1 Broadband service provider in Malaysia. StreamyX!!
Here's the award for ya (Thanks for the person who created this)~

and Fuck You Deep Depp


Anonymous said...

yo ah fee
how r u now ?
got time come out yamcha la

Big Bad Wolf said...

Wats with January? Why no update? and why blame it on streamyx?

w_mys said...

u relax at home only, i went to the TM, i called the service centre,, and i complain complain...... till i got black listed. heh. but i like that... give them trouble a bit

龟头@Kenny Sim@恺俊 said...

Nice award, they deserved it~! who? stream kiss my ass~!

i registered personal streamyx for whole damn year and i terminate it, and swear to god, never gona subscribe again~!