Tuesday, December 27, 2005

deng...(can't think of any title)

Merry belated Christmas, things have been getting all jam up together for the past few days. I dun even got the chance to plan my Christmas holiday and bam!!! here we are, holiday's over, and sick again(thanks to the turkey,steak and lamb chop, never forgetting the yellow ginger rice+rendang ayam from my Aunt. )

Never mind, coz im still able to spend my Christmas with my closest friends, family and my gal. Christmas has different meaning to different individuals, some treat it as a day to celebrate Jesus's birthday, some might thought that it is a perfect day to get drunk and loosing their virginity, or may be, to certain ppls, it means nothing more than a holiday. For me, Christmas is only special when u get to spend it with the ppls that u love(and i oso agree that Christmas is only exist becoz of Jesus's birth ), im lucky to spend a special Christmas this year. So getting sick now isn't so bad afterall.

After a peaceful holiday, immedietely i am bound to get back to work again. it is harder than an erected penis for me to get back to work right after holiday,especially when im caught in flu... i should have learn from the admin of my company... just take a MC and get back to sleep. but hey... not matter how difficult it is, afterall, im still a responsible person.. so, i eventually got up and went for work. siens...

And God will always favor a Mr Nice guy(me, er hum..). Today is one of the most interesting day throughout my industrial training. I went to Shah Alam to close down a business deal, which will let me make enuff money for new year shopping, is about a so called Consultant Engineer who has his own soft copy of drawings corrupted, so God sent me to him to solve his problem, he was happyy enuff to pay be good money of doin that. Im just worry that he has no money to pay me after the things is done. But is ok, i know the location of his office...if he dare to con me, he'll see..

anyway, that's not that important, what happen next was quite interesting. My colleuage asked me to join him on a techinical meeting in Setapak. Which means i get to visit a construction site this time, haha... how many trainees has done this? talking about contruction site, is not that kind of site that i visited last time, which is fully constructed and operating... this time, i get to visit a real construction site, where Indon workers are all over, heavy constuction machine and gadget is around. It was very exciting becoz i get to see the big picture of a contruction work closely... it's really looks like what we saw in TV, only thing different is, the really contruction is is very dusty, sands kept goin into my eyes. Then it was the meeting, nothing special there coz i hardly understand what they were discussing... i was concentrating on killing the irritating mosquito. After the meeting, we went for site inspection.Walking around in a construction site is no joke at all, dangerous places are all around, any mistake could cost a life... that's why.. i tried hard not to move around. But infact, an engineer doesn't have to move around on site, coz we sppend most of the time looking into the drawings. we dun even need to ask ppls to work, there's a site supervisor to do that job.

During the site inspection, i really thought that i am an Engineer. Simply becoz of this...

Just for ur information, engineer shouldn't wear a yellow helmet. I was given the yellow they have no more helmet for Engineers. The safety helmet for engineer should be white in colour. something like this..

well... get real... yet to become an Engineer... and photo editor as well...

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


看了一部旧电影, 听了一首旧歌曲。

我不知道 wo

电影结束的很突然,既然片名叫“新不了情”,为何却要让女主角死去? 如果我是导演,我会这样拍。。。

“女主角的癌症已到了后期,男主角为了救她,环绕地球一圈来寻找长生不死的药。 这时,上天被男主角的痴情所感动,于是赐了两颗仙丹给他们。 两人服了仙丹后,变成了神仙。。。从此在仙境里过着幸福快乐的日子。”

明显的,尔冬升是用脑拍片子, 我ahfee是用肺拍的。。。。。

Monday, December 19, 2005


过了一个很忙的周末。 节目排的满满的, 看见很多好朋友。 一切都很好, 可是不懂为何,我感觉不到应有的快感。。。却换来一点怪怪的感觉。 没有不开心,可是也没有开心。
回到来KL,感觉更加的空虚。。。突然间感到这城市很大, 自己快在这里迷失了。 然后,感觉不对劲,才知道自己生病了。 很少生病的我,在这期间病了两次。 colleuge们一定觉得我很弱吧。其实我也不想生病,在给我十天病假也情愿去上班。 因为一个人在这里养病的感觉比任何事情来得累,时间也特别长。 他妈的,我不是病猫,我明天就好起来!

p/s: 谢谢某同事陪我吃饭。

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Just for Friendship.

What have i learn during my entire ITP? Sometimes, my colleagues like to tease me, that instead of being a trainee, sometimes i look more like a permanant emplyee of my company (who work as a typist, engineer, IT technician & consultant). Very often, i found myself got stuck in somewhere whilr trying to pen my ITP log book, simply becoz i dun think those lecturers from FET will appreciate the truth. Thesefore, i've been quite a script writter at times. Well, may be some of u would think that im an asshole for doin this, but im sure most of my blog's readers(u know.. just few of u) would surely be understanding for this matter. So i bet in the end of the ITP, we will certainly gain some extra knowledge out of it, turning into a bunch of high creativity script writters instead of Engineers.

And what the hell is so damn wrong about my ITP, that cause my so damn reluctant to write in my log book? before i move into details... i would like to bring up something else. So im sure most of us had somehow being exposed to several management courses right? i believe most of us had taken some marketing, technical communication, managment or some other related courses... but infact, what we did was only memorizing the term and read out the PP slides during presentation, some of us even managed to score high grade for those courses, however, we merely got the chance to exposed ourself to the real business processes... what im trying to say is, i dun think what we've learned in campus is really what's happening in the society....or may be.. may be only ah!! The lecturers who taught us business, had never involved in anykind of businesss themselve..

So what's really happening in the real world? from my experience during these days.... it goes like this...

One day, i saw a miss called on my HP's screen... so, being a responsible person, i...

So Mr. Supplier replied

er hum... me and him for a beer? what if ppls think that im a gay? somemore, a beer session is never good with only 2 persons... like what the Carlsberg advertisement tells us...

"the best thing in life are shared"

ofcoz, Mr.Supplier is generous and keen enuff to meet more new friends

it certainly sounds great for me and my colleagues,but im not sure whether the "greatness" feelin is mutual... ur hem...but hey... please dun get this wrong, remember, this kind of "beer session" has totally no influence to the projects we are dealing... it's only held for the sake of friendship among a group of normal ppls...

erm.. can write this down in log book??

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


如果.愛 ~ 張學友

每個人 都想明白
特別在午夜醒來 更是會感慨
心痛埋怨 還有不能釋懷

如果這就是愛 在轉身就該勇敢留下來
就算受傷 就算流淚
愛 在回憶裡總是那麼明白
困惑的心 流過的淚

如果你 當時明白 後來的生命裡是快樂還是悲哀
就算受傷 就算流淚
愛 在回憶裡總是那麼明白
困惑的心 流過的淚

很久没有一首歌,可以让我一听再听。 记得在小时候喜欢把零用钱存起来,买一张自己喜欢的专辑回家,边听边学唱,虽然不太了解歌词中的含义,至少当时的我,是非常用心地去享受专辑里的每一个音符。
随着翻版,网上下载,和一大堆新歌手的出现,这个年代里, 想要听一首歌。。。已经不必守着电台等DJ播,或者啃面包存钱买卡带。 可是我偏偏在一个资讯这么发达的年代里,对听歌的热诚减少了。 我可以了解歌词的含义,却忘了用心去享受里头(歌曲)的音乐。



“如果。爱”没有让我变富有。。。 所以,我还是选择了下载。
学友, 我很穷,可是我很喜欢听你的歌。 soli...

Monday, December 12, 2005

i want something else

Ladies and Gentlements, hold ur breaths and prepare urself for the most amusing life style..

8.15am ---- wake up, turn of the alarm and go back to sleep.
8.30am ---- wake up, preparing for work.
8.45am ---- in the car, turn on the radio... try to drive as slow as possible.
9.10am ---- buy break fast, and walk slowly to the office.
9.15am ---- set up my pc, take my breakfast while browsing internet.
1.00pm---- Lunch
2.00pm(could easily be 3 pm)---- back to the office, continue working..
6 .oopm---- yeah... can go home.. wait.. my boss still in the office.. damn.. pretend to be hardworking(sometimes i dunno what's this for)
6.45pm(could be 7.30pm)---- go home... try to drive as fast as i can
8.oopm---- take my dinner, yeah.. alone. sometime with my coll.. only sometimes.
8.00++pm= reach home... exhausted... tired...

all night long--- try to do my FYP...but most of the time, my mind is totally numb and full with stars during this section. there fore, most proprably. im would ended up with something else, but none of them is interesting..

1 .00am--- this is the most depressing moment, not that i hate to sleep, but when think about what's gonna happen after i wake up... hai..

so, welcome to my life... i hope urs are better.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Attitude reflects leadership!

Dear Some 1,

when u want ur organisation to be enthusiatic, and ppls can happy be to work with u, remember, is work WITH you, not work FOR you, please learn how to respect others, and be a responsible person urself. It might be easy for u to give one stupid instruction, but ppls' life could be easily affected as a result of that...
i hope that someday,God will send some msg to you, so that ur nose can shrinks a bit and behave like a true leader.

Yours Faithfully,

Who Else

Monday, December 05, 2005


不要误会,今天绝对没有人得罪我,只不过是今天工作太忙碌。。。想发泄一下而已。。 嗨。。。。 好多了。 有多忙? 这样说好了,我今早买了一个大包,准备拿上公司里慢慢品尝,结果我只有时间把它“完成”一半。。。还是在边吃边做的情形下,简直就是消化不良!星期一就这么忙,不懂接下来的日子要如何傲过?$%^#^&%
还好,今天公司又来了一条水鱼(supplier), 午餐可又省回了。 老实说,现在有人请吃饭,我已经可以用平常心去应对。。。。不管吃些什么山珍海味,对我来说也只是一件可以省掉一餐的事情 ,没什么大不了。也许酱说有点嚣张,可是如果你每一天(几乎)都吃肉骨茶,大虾,大鱼或大肉,你会感觉到那盘简单的杂饭有多“温馨”,多有“feel”!
今天请客的是一位典型的SUPPLIER,满口奉承的话,誓要把你捧上天花板才甘愿。 在等菜上桌的同时,列常的互相哈啦一番。 谈着谈着,原来他是一名来自某某政党的某某支会的某某委员,也是某某政党青年部里的活跃分子。我的同事就趁机会问他一些课题的看法,他也随随便便的带过。。。然后在把对话的中心点环绕在他自己如何在党选里将对手给拉下。 当时的我,除了盼望厨房里的人手脚能快一些之外,也没有给予在多的反应了。 过后,某某政客越讲越爽,说他如何利用他的地位和人面来“帮助”他的朋友们得到工程合约,怎样把他朋友的孩子“保送”进大学,不但如此,他还尝试游说我和同事加入他的党派,理由就是,参政可以得到很多“好处”,还说,进党时,就重要就是----跟到对的老大,不然就不能出头。
他这番言论并没有让我感到惊讶,在某种程度上,我可悲的认为是合理的。不过,我既然有机会和一位人民义士同台高谈政治,当然就要发挥我的好奇精神! 于是。。我就。。

我:“对了,其实你们的党选真的是酱错综复杂的吗? 会有不合的情况出现?”
他:“这是当然的,在党里最重要是人马,你要是有好处给别人,别人就支持你。。。。一个党要如果当成一名议员或政府高官,他身边的人,要玩什么就什么了! 当然,这种福利是人人都要的,所以就看谁的势力比较大罗,哈哈!”
我:“那。。我冒犯的问一问, 你们对现在华社的课题做过什么样的东西呢? 例如,英文教数理啊。。。。华小师资短缺啊。。类似的。。。你们都说要内部解决,内部讨论。。。那。。。。通常结果是什么?你们真的有讨论的吗?”
他:“象他(指着我)这种人,是属于比较热血一点的,不过,现在大多数人进党是为了生意,很多人不过问这些啦。。 哈哈!!!!!”


想不到随便问几句时事课题就被冠上热血的代号,我除了无奈,更是佩服我国一些政客(不是你啦!)的思想,当时的我只想回他一句。。。。“KAN NI NIA!”,不过为了还未上桌的午餐,只好以笑带过心中的呐闷。 我在想,如果AHFEE是一名热血青年。。 哪。。


Tuesday, November 29, 2005

老实说,我不懂得回答, 我没当过别的国家的公民,实在是不懂得如何客观的去回答这问题。ei..慢着,我也没当过鬼佬或黑鬼。。。。可是我却觉得当一个华人是值得骄傲的。哪。。。。 我不太能以身为一个大马公民而感到光荣,到底是怎么回事呢?前几天在MPH里游荡,不小心读到克林顿在告别白宫时的演讲,他说:“我已经不可能得到一个比美国总统来得更高荣誉的身份,可是在往后的日子里,我还是一名美国公民,而没有一个身份比这来得更自豪了!”。
看后除了佩服这位前总统的说话技巧以外,还觉得蛮度领的,妈的,美国人真是好恋!不过。。。。想一想,如果换是我的话。。。。我可能讲不出身为一名大马人是最高的荣耀,任凭我有多么的仙家领也好! 为什么人家讲的出口呢? 是我的问题吗?还是克林顿只是纯属好恋而已。

我不太了解政治这游戏,所以不想多讲。撇开政治不说。。。。我们国家到底有人权吗?我们的司法制度怎么了? 我身为一个公民,有保护自己的能力吗? 看了最近的新闻。。。不是警察叔叔打人,贿赂,脱光别人衣服。。。。就是大学生被当囚犯的审判。 可以用“审判”吗?因为根据电影情节,审判的过程牵涉相当多人,有调查员,有律师,有法官,有证人。。。。可是在本地大学的“法庭”里,好象没有这种人的迹象只有被告跟原告(就是校方)。。。。对不起,差点儿忘了,原告人,律师,调查员和法官是有的,只是他们都是同一体的罗。 你可能说,在美国或其他先进国里,也有同样的事情发生,它们政府里也有坏人。对,我赞同。。。。不过,不同的是。。。别人有一样我们没有的。。就是透明的司法制度和人民的人权。

其实这时最近的才有事情吗? 不要骗自己了。。。。我肯定大多数人已经不止一次的听说过这种问题。 可以讨论吗?
这算政治吗? 见人见智。 对我而言,这是很基本的人权问题,一个不懂在什么时候,被人遗忘的东西。你可能可以不用谈政治,可是却不要把所有的课题都当成政治课题。事情发生了, 感觉无助吗?可以去找人帮忙啊,报警罗。。。。慢着,被脱衣服怎么办?还是。。。。。大家依然觉得。。。。这没什么大不了,事不关己就好了。 真的不关吗? 我真的可以感到自豪吗? 不如先问一问,我身为一名大马公民,我可以感到很安全吗?

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Simply awesome!

This world is full of overated stuffs, very often, we are forced to pay more for something that actually worth less, for instant, 88 bucks for broadband(narrow indeed) service, or 50-60K for a "buatan Malaysia" Proton car... that's why we never stop complaining from the minute we woke up in the morning. No, we are not a bunch of cry babies... eventhough we've been hypnotized by the "Malaysia Boleh"'s wave, some how, our sub-conciousness still manage to make a right judgement... well, never mind for all that craps..

I spent 400bucks , just to buy me and my gal a seat to the Musical drama- Snow Wolf Lake. Ya, the title is a bit lame... but it sounds great in chinese la.. nevermind.. i was worry.. what if the show is as lame as its english title, and walauyieh.. 400 bucks... izzit worth the price?

I never been to another musical drama other than this one, so is hard for me to determine whether it worth the price or not, but i found myself deeply impressed by the performence on that night, i clapped my hand until they turned red during the end of the show..

all i can say is, that night was simply awesome !

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Yeah babe!!!

nothing much to say... too excited!!! becoz....

yeah babe!!!

yeah yeah babe!!!

wooo hooo!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 21, 2005



我一直以理智为我处事的大前提,因为这样。。。我不会沉迷于任何东西,更别说会对任何一件事情而上瘾。有些人可以每天吸上20根香烟,24小时对着电脑银幕,喝下5,6杯的咖啡,甚至为了吸毒而放弃自己的前途。 以上的例子或多或少都影响自己的健康,这。。。难道那些人都不懂吗? 谁不懂吸烟会致癌?对电脑多会近视?喝咖啡牙齿会变黄,吸毒是一条不归路? 那是什么让他们这么不顾一切的去做这些事情呢? 简单的说法是,因为他们上了瘾。
非常歧视那些瘾君子们,因为觉得他们都是被物品俘虏的奴隶。 也不明白为什么他们可以这样不理智。 有什么东西可以让人不可不吸,不可不看和不可不喝?
这问题从来未有一个令我满意的答案。直到有一天,我突然明白了。。。也得到一个满意的答案。因为我也成了一个“瘾君子”,我也上了瘾,我不想,也没有把它给戒掉的的能力。需要的话, 我也可以为了它让牙齿黄掉,眼睛近视掉,嘴巴臭掉,肺部黑掉等等。在多几个坏处也不要紧,因为我已经上了瘾。

Thursday, November 17, 2005


突然觉得自己在两个月后会面临一场浩劫, 首先是因为我到了今天都还没开始做自己的FYP。。。接下来是因为我写部落还比写trainin的报告来得勤劳,酱下去,两个月后想不死都很难。
记得中学时期的我非常懒惰(现在也是),从来不做有关数学的功课。。。有两个原因-1。 觉得很简单,不想浪费时间 2。 数学老师比较好欺负。。
后来,当SPM 越来越靠近时,发觉自己的MODERN MATHS 成绩竟然不如ADD MATHS 理想(可以想像有多烂),才恍然大悟,开始紧张起来。就在这时候,数学老师就对我说了一些话

好经典的一句话。。 顺便提一提,那位老师的花名叫做“CANGKUL”

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

something about IEM....

phew~~ feel so tired today, yet is another interesting day for my short term period as an engineer... perhaps i should say ... as an professional engineer though. ahah nvm..
Attended another seminar, this time i din learn much of the technical stuffs, coz the seminar was about entreprenuership as an engineer instead. Before i go into detail in that, there is something i would like to share... is about how to spoof into a IEM building and listen to seminar for free(coz if u are not a PE, u are require to pay 20bucks for that).

Step 1

walk into the entrance calmly

step 2

smile at the security guard

step 3

if the guard is looking at u, then u have to do extra step... that is, point ur finger upward, and say the magic word "talk".. then u are thru...

step 4

when u reach the entrance of the conference room, u will see a registration desk... ok... this part is a bit complicated, but dun worry... here's the solution

4.1 if u have a form with u(like me)... just simply submit it and smile at the clerk.. again.. u are thru..

4.2 if u have nothing with u, no form and no nothing... then u must... ignore the registration desk and just go into the conference room, grab a nice seat.

5. Sit down and listen to the seminar while trying to make urself invisible....

yeap.. as simple as ABC.. can u belive it? try it if u dun.. haha!! and for section 4.2... where u dun have any registration form with u.. please dun act smart and go ask for a permission to attend the course... even if u are willing to pay 20 bucks... coz one of the uncle did this when i was submitting my form...

Uncle:"good afternoon, is the seminar still open for registration?"
clerk :"sorry, it's already fulled... u have to wait for some other day"

and off u go.. so the moral of the incident would be Never simply ask a qs even when u are in doubt or have the right to do so.

okie.. let's talk about the seminar..

Basically, the seminar is about how engineers should make use of the high end resources(internet, software or multimedia infrastuctures) to make money. The speaker emphasized a lot on the so called key to success "innovation" . He did mention about how wide the market it is in the internet.... that allows Google to beat HP in the market within 7 years..

He oso mentioned about how an engineer is similar to an entrepreneur, and what kind of businesss we can do with our technical background, ya... guess this is what im lacking.

The talk only lasted for 1 + hours, actually the speacker didn't really talk much about the detail in entreprenuership, he just wanna encourage the engineers in our country to involve in business, with high creativity.. or according to him.. innovation.

when it came the Q&A section, many ppls already started to leave the hall, haha, may be they have the "never ask a qs" mindset deep in their heart. but anyway... the Q&A section was rather wasting time, coz .. instead of asking the speaker the appropriate qs -like how are we gonna get financial support, what is the basic requirement to start a business....etc, ppls were asking about...

qs1---- How come google is so rich ah?

qs2---- China and taiwan relationship is pretty ugly now... but why the still have strong bond in business?

qs3---- if ur son wanna take engineering course in U, you would advise him to study which major?

well... i have to say that i really impressed by those qs... honestly...

The 3rd qs led the speaker to throw one qs back to the crowd, when he ask

Speaker: Who has a child who is also an engineer, or studying engineering in U?

and nobody raised their hand... out of 60+ professional engineer, non of them send their children to study engineering in U... or i can say, non of them inpsired their children to choose engineering as a profession.... need i to say more?

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Po-tei-to Po-tar-to

lately i've been posting entries about my piece of mind regarding to the traffic condition in KL, well, as i've said, those are only from my own tots, it doesn't mean anything... and definately not complaining much about it coz im not a cry baby.
The reason for this entry here is becoz, i try not to reply the comments in the "comment" dialogue box, coz it's not a chatterbox anyway... But i do have something to say about this comment(pic shown.)
1st of all, thank you for being friendly enuff to welcome me, instead of screwing me like some of ur fellow citizen. some of the sentences there seems rather funny to me...
sentence no 1
"you never sit in my car, so don't complain"

And why must i should sit in your car before i can complain? If that's the case... Our honourable Prime minister should at least stop complaining about the third world atitude of KL drivers becoz i assume that Pak Lah has never been in ur car as well.

sentence no 2
"as a tip, drivers in KL/PJ is not very impatience, is just that we dun like to wait so long"

should a judge release a murderer when he/she was told by the murderer that "for my defence, im not a murderer, is just that i tried to stop a person from surviving..."

who likes to wait anyway? we all hope to have a smooth path ahead of us... not only the mighty KL ppls.

Monday, November 14, 2005

My 1st Seminar as an "Engineer".

Tomolo is goin to be nice, i will represent my company to attend a seminar held by GE(General Electricity)... this is the one and only seminar that i allow to attend with my own identity... coz i won't be able to do that as my bos forces me to attend another 3 on behalf of him, perhaps i shouldn't say "on behalf" of him, i should say "becoming" him.
Due to the new policy of IEM, a PE shall attend at least 50 hours of seminar(held by IEM) in order to maintain their Ir. title. The purpose to this new policy is to maintain the professionalism of all the professional engineers of Malaysia,which i think is a good idea coz among all of the senior engineers i knew, only a few of them know how to operate a computer , not to mention about the rest... However, my bos saw no benefits from this new policy and therefore im granted the oppotunity to attend 3 courses as an Professional Engineer,with the identity Ir. Wong Shian Ching.

And fortunately , tomolo's seminar is organize by GE instead of IEM, that's why i can attend without pretending to be a middle age engineer(coz at my age , to becomePE is practically impossible. So how's it gonna be? i really couldn't anticipate... but what my bos told me when he ask me to attend this seminar was encouraging

Ir.Wong: Fee ah, u attend this seminar ah... good for u, go learn stuffs.
Ahfee : huh? what izzit? about what?
Ir.Wong: see ah.. normally when things comes to this kind of situation, we only ask about 2 issue. Where is the place, and how's the food. hahahaha... go there sit few hours and wait for free meal la!
Ahfee : oh... ic... hahaha... true ....

Seminar, go go go!!

Sunday, November 13, 2005

What a way to end my 1st weekend in KL !

Last weekend was special, plenty of interesting stuffs took place. Ofcoz, the highlight of it was the reunion dinner of Group 16(alpha groupmate). we had some great moments while spending time together in a restaurant at Aman Puri, every1 was busy sharing their own experience of industrial training, at least this session lasted untill the dishes were being severved. Although only 6 of us from the group shown up, it mean a lot to me, at least we managed to hang out without worrying about what topic should be raised.
I just realised about that was actually the 1st weekend for me in KL, haha, i always tot that i've been here for quite sometime, which indeed, last weekend was only the third week. siens... well, kathy came here and wanted to do some lepaking, is a tuff task for me coz i still hardly know the road direction here.. especially KL city. As the result , we decided to rely on the public tranportation facility... bus and LRT. As soon as we reach Bangkok bank... we had a problem... we din know which bus will get us to Bintang walk... i spotted a hawker(auntie) somewhere near the bus stop... hey... she seems capable to solved my problem... so i

Screwed 1
ahfee: auntie ah, go bintang walk have to take which bus ah...
auntie:(not looking at me)G..o...........t..o.........@#$!
ah fee:(couldn't hear her)huh? i beg ur pardon?
auntie:....................................(ignoring me)
ahfee:????(showing the "huh?" face)
ahfee:(shock and blur)... oh.. thanks ah... (although she din quite answer my qs)

Kathy and i couldn't stop luffing at the incident, what makes the auntie so damn pissed? hum... she needs a course for anger management ..hahah.eventually, we never knew which bus to take, so we took the most reliable and basic tranport unit, Bus No. 11. ya.. from Bangkok Bank to Bintang walk... that's a lot of walking... but that's ok, coz i din wanna ask another person and get screwed again.

well, may be KL is not a best place for living but it certainly is the best when comes to shopping. Kathy went wild when she stormed into all the boutique, luckily i was there and calm enuff to prevent her from bankrupt.. gal's money is really easy to earn. haha..
i really dun wanna talk much about the shopping so i better stop right here... the best part of the day was actually took place at the end. We wanted to take a taxi... from KTM station back to my house... i wonder how much it would cost us, so .. i had a doubt, and in order to clear it... i asked another qs , and it was only the second qs from me for that day...

screwed 2
ahfee: er... bos, from here to sri sinar how much ah?
taxi: er.... 6 bucks(thanks to meigin for correcting my mistake)

and the 3rd qs was fatal.....when i got into the car...

ahfee: using meter one right?
taxi:(raised his voice), u want to use meter izzit? then why u ask me how much? *^&^%% , diu, wanna use meter then u shut up and just get in la, u ask me how much for what? U think i will con u? nia sing u, here go to ur place, very hard to say 1 mah.. some times traffic jam ler? not jam then mah cheaper la... if traffic jam ofcoz more expansive!

ahfee: no, i din mean that, coz i just wanna know the ruff figure nia, i never took a taxi from here. i have the right to know how u charge right...
taxi: mahai... take taxi very simple.. if wanna use meter then get in and shut up, dun ask so much... zi bai like those bangla.. ask me how much, tell him 5 bucks they say 3 bucks enuff, mahai... 3 bucks u better walk home la! 3 bucks... where got ppl take taxi pay 3 bugs...? @#E@#R!#@#$@#$@$$#!#$@$!TR!#$@$@#%%@!

and the taxi driver never stop screwing me until i reach home...wow... apparently... we are not allowed to ask qs in KL, eventhough we are in doubt and have the right to do so... i ask 3 qs today.. and my ass was already screwed twice as the result of that... i started to realise how much pressure these ppls from KL are taking regularly, that causes them to be so impatience and rude.

btw... when i reached home, that taxi's meter reads RM4.80, well....should i ask or shouldn't i?

Monday, November 07, 2005


上个星期和大夥儿到PASSION去“CLUBBING”,十二个人生吞三支含有40%酒精的酒(当然不包括酒瓶)。结果代痣大条罗! 平时喝醉后最擅长乱性的谢X冰,一如往常的喝到烂醉。。。这次更创记录的昏睡在厕所外的走廊让路人观看,连守厕所的BANGLA看了都偷笑。康X也痹到以为自己弄不见兰X和晓X的手提袋,内疚了一整晚,四处打电话去查探。。。过后才懂是威X拿掉了。 威X也在混乱中以为兰X和晓X失踪了,打电话告诉我时,吓到我鼻子没毛去。。。找了半天,原来两个在厕所里吐到走不出来,害我被迫走进女厕所里拖她出来。唉,一贯以酒量大而闻名的兰x终于也老猫烧须了。 一整晚的疯狂,换来一个睡厕所,三,四个神智不清,两个困在厕所,两个失足跌到,其它吐的吐,晕的晕。。。。好不热闹唷! 为了驾车回老家而没喝很多的我沦落到当他们的保姆。。。。搞到凌晨6点才回到家。 不过幸好大家都安全的回到。。。。


昨晚半夜才回到这里,看了一场世纪大战(MU Vs Chelsea), 幸好结果是fit的!以这兴奋的心情来restart我的training生涯还算不错!哈哈。 Boring days, here i am again!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


今天破了我ITP以来最迟起床的记录, 已经开始对现在生活感到熟悉的我,终于肯把最原来的自己慢慢的释放出来了。虽然如此,还是改变不到我是全公司最早到的员工这个事实。。。该感到光荣或觉得失望,自己还搞不清楚。 老板,我会继续努力,不会让你失望的!
从起床一直到放工回家,不管在工作或发呆,我的头一直在痛。。。看到红绿灯亮起红灯时,更是痛到想吐。不会是作晚看“The Rule of Four”看到走火入魔吧。。。书中提到以前的圣人是如和被处死的,从被钉再一个到反的十字架到被人活生生把肚皮剖开再把大肠挖出来等等。。。看后确实是有一点反胃。被处死的他们并没犯什么错,只是执着于他们各自的“FAITH”而已,然而就因为这样得到被处死的下场。真悲哀的历史事故,再想。。。其实这种历史事故和现时所发生的并没有什么分别,只不过是再形式上不一样而已。
可是为什么会头痛呢? 啊哈,我懂了!昨晚太迟睡了。。。

Sunday, October 23, 2005

me? KL? how?

How's training life? Kepong got nice thing to eat? hua! ur place so near to One Utama ah, how nice! yeap.. that's the kind of response i've been receiving when talking about my life in KL now. Honestly, i really dunno how to appreciate the environment here in KL, every body seems to be rushing for something. Very often, im forced to hit the gas harder as the result of the pressure i received from the car behind me, may be the time here is very precious(i mean, more precious) pls can't afford to loose any of them... or may be the petrol price in KL is very cheap, haha, stop dreaming already...
I always have trouble with my sense of direction, it took me nearly 2 semesters to recognize the path from my campus to the bus stop during my fresh man year in MMU, and i still hardly understand the function of the 3 roundabouts at the lake garden of seremban. And what the hell im doin here in KL? where fly overs, roundabouts,senseless sign boards, misleading highway and rude drivers are all over the place.
I do need time to adapt, afterall, it's only my 1st week here, and im grateful that i survived without much of the problem, nevermind the unnessacery toll fees i had to pay, never never mind about the senseless horn i receive from some psychotic drivers, in fact, i should feel sorry for their pathetic level of EQ.
well, im still within 1/10 of my training period, i have to learn how to deal with all these nonsense and hopefully not by being one of them at the end of the day. To conclude my tots for most of the KL drivers(which means most, not all)... they really need some intensive counciling from psycologist or may be from a 6th grade moral teacher...

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


哗,好久好久没来这里记载我的生活点滴(废话)了。。。这一两个星期里,我“片”了上北部,与友人结伴同游,再“片” 回芙蓉,让自己和钱包休息休息, 不到一两天,又片上kepong开始我另一章的人生--industrial training. 说到这个,这个,我想有时常阅读我部落的网友们,一定很期待我为我training company所写的部落,可能是因为这篇写的太悲惨吧?不过,因为没有相机的关系,要我单用文字来表达,表达很难得到应有的效果,所以还是来多一堆废话先吧!我只能说,情况没有想象中的坏,也没有特别的好。

我不敢说我是一个非常有时间观念的人,可能我只是对时间有稍微的执着而已。 我自己不喜欢迟到,也非常讨厌那些会习惯性迟到的人,更想把那些故意迟到的人统统拿去填海。可惜我并没有这种能力。我认为有时间观念等于有礼貌,遵守约定时间等于尊敬别人,而最候就象孔子所说的,尊敬别人等于尊敬自己(something like that)。可悲的是,这社会好象接受了这不守时的文化,例如晚宴,大家都“紧守”一般晚宴的规则,比特定时间迟到半个小时,然后到了现场就对那些准时又呆坐了半粒钟的‘傻海’说:“哈,我就知道没那么早开始的啦,你看,我的时间刚刚好!”。我想,要不是所有人都酱想,晚宴需要延迟吗? 既然大家能够培养一个迟到的共识,为什么不能干脆一点,就不要迟到算了。
今天困在kepong的‘车龙’里突然有一个想法。我把人与时间的关系分成3种。 第一种是短跑选手,永远希望比时间跑快一步的人,喜欢把时间抛再后头然后在终点哪里等着时间的来临。第二种是喜欢和时间玩二人三足的,与时间并肩赛跑,不能比它快,也不会比它慢。第三种是晨运的老人,慢慢的跑,时间快慢不要紧,只要能到终点就行了。

Friday, October 07, 2005

Goin off, but will be back.

yeah, the strangest exam week of my life had passed. Before my heart beat could rocover to it's normal rate...here i am.. rushing for another task, a very emotional one.
As the matter of fact, i gonna undergo my industrial training program at kepong, a brand new place for me... starting another life over there, even though it only will last for 4 months. This means that im gonna pause my campus life for sometime. As the result, i have to pack most of my stuff and tranfer them back to my hometown. Boy... this involve a lot of work as im never tidy up my room in a regular basis... to pack all my stuff in one shot, is as hard as clearing up the aftermath in New Orlean.
anyway, i managed to clear the "mess" in 3 hours time... while doin that, i rediscovered many stuffs tht i once tot it was lost.. haha... guitar pick... money.. photo... cd... and a bunch of songs that wrote by me and my frens.. so i decided to play them while i tidy up my room. At one point, i got really emotional while listening to those songs.. i recalled those moment when we stayed up all night to record the songs, exchanging views about it.. figured out how to arrange the music together... hum.. i have to say.. most of the songs are "sucks", and is poorly mixed and recorded, but it really nice to listen to them, coz they are like a singin diary to me.
After a mass packing session, the outcome is very depressing... my house become very "empty"...

i almost forgot there is a slam dunk puzzle on my "study" table... not until i clear all the gibberish stuff on it.. haha...

this is the place where i spend most of my time. either sleeping, watching movie or playing the guitar... and sometime, i even.... erhem... anyway, some one else is gonna utilise it nxt during next semester, i hope he won't wet dream often.

my landlord is gona be really pissed if she realises how i pasted this on her wall.. hahaha..

less important stuffs, that why u guys have to stay here and get dusty..

ohya.. thanks for watching over me all the time, im gonna miss u for a while. May be the next dweller is not as goodlooking as me, but that's ok, he is a really smart guy, u just have to appreciate him in a different way. haha!!

used to have dinner here with all my housemates... ever since Philip demolished the wall fan, we stop hanging around here... but guess what, some creature is somehow attracted by this place..

ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Lichard~

hope Lit Khang and Zibin can cope with him... ohya, can never left out another long term resident ....Peter

this house would never be the same without u present..

so that's all for this semester...i just sit back and see wat is gonna happen next. i'll br back, and hopefully everything is gonna be smooth for me and the rest of my coursemate. Better stop here, still have seremban, Sp , and Langkawi to "cover" before i start trainin.. haha!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


这部落保持了它一贯的作风,就是开头永远跟主题没有关系的,这也是我讲故事的风格,喜欢加盐加醋,东拉西扯的,拖片的程度不输给韩国连续剧。 也是时候进入主题了。。。
突然想起一个对话,觉得还满经典的。 有次跟某某谈起男女关系,感叹现在大城市里越来越开放(性观念)。。。很多年纪轻轻的小弟小妹都已经“失守”了,讲起来还真的觉得自己好失败。。。 anyway~... 某某提出了一个例子,虽然是他自己属构的,不过我觉得非常有趣。 是这样的。。。。

一对男女喝醉后,在意乱情迷的情况下发生了关系。第二天早上,男的就点起一根事后烟,女的就用被单盖着身体,一边后悔,一边痛哭。 这时,男的通常会。。。


我觉得这个例子不能拿来作标准,只是觉得很有趣而已。 如果给我遇到这种女孩,就。。。。。。(为了保命,还是不要讲)。

Sunday, October 02, 2005

how u call this?

er hem... is a very strange exam week coz everybody seems to be very free... to sum it up.. this study week has been lacking of some enthusiasm... to prove this... check this out. well.. somebody got really cocky after watched a movie during exam week huh.. hum.. so this particular blog entry is specialy dedicate to her... as a reply.. or what-so-ever she would take it.. haha!!

So yesterday was a wonderful day... the weather wasn't too hot... and the air condition in library was just nice... it should be a very nice time for some study. But, that was not the thing i did yesterday, coz i had better plan... better than study, better than sleeping and i have to say, and of coz, a lot better than watching a movie in cinama... coz i've been to...

yahahaha~ yes...a japanese buffet dinner at Restaurent Kampachi of Equatorial Hotel~! No... din hit the lotery or steal money from others... is a belated celebration for my sister's convocation.

hum... hate to mention this.. actually we were suppose to celebrate it on last week, we went there last sunday... booked for a private room.... everything went smooth untill the waitress came in with 3 menus in her hand... my sister quickly took over the menu and started browsing it without any second tots... i looked and kathy.. and she was doin the same thing too.. i grew sceptical and decided to ...

me: Im sorry... we are having the buffet, so we really dun need to see the menu..

waitress: Oh... we do not have Buffet dinner on Sunday... we only having it on Saturday...

well... the next response she got from us was a string of chinese words she could hardly interprete and a 3 very dissapointing face(literally.. pai seh)... i quickly apologize and strode right out of the place while trying hard to shrink myself....

But is ok... coz 1 week later... we are back!!! with hungrier stomachs, stronger appetide and most important of all, we've got it right this time!! There was no reason to delay any longer... we marched into kampachi and the war had begun..

it started with...

sashimi ,shamimi and shashimi... my sister kept on crapping about how expensive they are in Jusco, while saying this, she already swallowed few slices of salmon shashimi. See... if all the ppl in the world obsess to raw salmon like my sis and the japanese.. this poor creature corpse will soon be exibit in a musuem, rather than fish market.

well.. i din take much photo becoz a true soldier never held a camara during the middle of the war right?? too bad we din have a war journalist, so most the the actions couldn't be materialized here...anyway.. it's already hard enuff to do that with pictures. haha~ erhem.. so after 2 hours of battle... every tempura.. sushi ... bla bla bla(dunno their names) had sacrificed themselve for a good reason. Thank to us, they had found their reason to die. haha~

Doraemon's favourate

I have to admit that im not good at eating.. coz a rat could eat more than me.. i had to stop and heading for desert while and sister and kathy still moving strong... and the ice-cream was just nice...

i found it very delicious, may be is just because kathy said it is very expansive if buy this at the supermarket~ haha!

So after a hard fought battle... 3 of us leave Kampachi with a stressed stomoch and with our head held high... pretty much contractict to last week's scenery, where i need to shrink my self to avoid any further embarassment. The only thing that shrinked this time, is my sister's purse ofcoz~ haha!

ya.. while some 1 use "sai meng" (expose life under the sun, or show off) to describe watching movie during exam week... then... how should i call this? hihi......

Friday, September 30, 2005

The End is near?

'There's a danger of staying on too long and maybe one or two people think I've stayed here a year or two too long anyway. If you follow your heart you want to stay as long as you can. But you've got to listen to your brain as well, and the body,' ---Keane

Staying too long? perhaps it's true for anyone else, but is not for a man like him. If this statement has ultimately become a fact, will Man U miss his influence on and off the pitch? well... as the matter of fact.. he really is one of the most important asset for Manchester United, or i might as well say... for English Premiere Leugue.

He remains as one of the success factor of the squad, despite the fact that he didn't scores more goal than Nistelrooy, nor created more goal than Giggs. Even Ferguson hailed him as the best player of United for the past 10 years.

if u ask me, how will Keane's departure from MU affect me? hum... may be nothing more than a sigh... and why im so upset about it... may be... perhaps.. this is the magic of football~ haha

Wednesday, September 28, 2005


话说到这里,小弟觉得有必要为刚才的stament做出一些解释。 为什么要用“果断”来形容打电话呢? 打电话可以大得很婆妈吗? 我认为是可以的。有很多人为了省几毛钱,可以用5-6封的sms来交代一些重简单的情,其实如果肯打一通电话,不用30秒就能settle了,那又何必sms呢?其实最赌缆的是那些有求于人的时候,居然还不舍得打一通可以显示出诚意的电话,选择sms来洗别人帮他办事。我认为这是很没礼貌和诚意的。 。 当然,如果是电话没钱,就另当别论,如果是那些电话钱多的象银行的开fixed deposit酱,最真的很irritating了。 。btw,if u happen to be one of these irritating ass hole, here's something for u.... fuck u!!

ahfee:"eh.. wake up liao?"
chiwit:"er..(obviously not)... ya.. what's up?"
ahfee:"aiks.. told u i need u to buy bus ticket for me right?"
chiwit:"ooo.. okok.. so how?"
ahfee:"er.. i need 6 tickets to Sg Petani, 1 ticket to Kangar. "
chiwit:"alright... date?"
ahfee:"8th oct, erm.. as late as possible."
chiwit:"ooo... i'll call u later to confirm. "
ahfee:"okok.... thanks 1st"
chiwit:"where are u now?"
ahfee:"at home lo, melaka"
chiwit:"ooo... what are u doin?"
ahfee:"er.. goin to library later, why?"
chiwit:"oh... icic..."
ahfee:"dude, what'up?"
chiwit:"who is beside u now?"
ahfee:"...(finally know what is goin on).... mahai!! dun waste my phone credit la!!"
chiwit:"...(syok and satisfied)...yahahaha!!!"

哎,酱也爽。。 他妈的死siam仔!

chiwit:"eh, 5 ticket to SP, one to perlis right?"
ahfee:"nono!! 6 to SP, one to perlis"
chiwit:"ooo, ok"
ahfee:"buy those super vip one ah"
chiwit:"wah~ super vip? i think im one of those rich bastard? "
ahfee:"dun worry la, i'll transfer money to ur acc later, just buy it la, won't exceed 30 bugs for one gua"
chiwit:"ok lo.."

30 minutes later

chiwit:"oi... settle liao"
ahfee:"okok, good, what time?"
chiwit:"perlis 1 is 9.30, SP is 11.30"
ahfee:"fit, how much er?"
chiwit:"sin ka lan!, say won;'t exceed 30.. SP's ticket oso cost 30.40 bugs la"
ahfee:"hua. why so damn expensive? dun tell me the ticket price is being raised again?"
chiwit:"diu, u want super vip ma.. i mah buy u super super one lo"
ahfee:"super super?"
chiwit:"yala, super super vip, i tot of buying the room ticket for u, but then the ticket seller say those ticket sold out liao"
ahfee:"huh? room in a bus? dun sinkalan la~ why dun u say got bath room in there.. diu~"
chiwit:"mahai. sin u for what? u never see this kind of bus b4? double decker 1,the 1st deck got room de. "
ahfee:"(开始动摇,means starting to belive).. oh.. really? ic"
chiwit:"(非常满足地,more satisfied).. no la, i sinkalan 1~ hahahah!!!!!"
ahfee:"(有被巴士撞的感觉,feel like being hit by a bus)...diu~!”


Wednesday, September 21, 2005

feeling weird..

for the 1st time through out my Uni life.. i have this weird feeling during study week... i've been wondering...and i've found the answer for myself...
im feeling weird becoz for the 1st time... i m not rushing for my final exam... i have exactly 3 weeks time to prepare for 2 papers.
im feeling weird becoz while every1 in the library are being freakishly hardworking... i still got the time to read national geographic..
And when ppls are trying to stay away from some unnecessary ocasion to save themselve time for study... i still have the mood to jam in the studio...ofcoz.. i felt nice for this, but still... feeling weird as well..
I wonder my time for a massive study section like i had during regular study weeks has already end...
now im a final year student and i left not more that 4 subjects to take... theoritically.. i dun need to study for 12 hours a day to prepare for my final exam.. and i should be grateful for that.
yet i feel weird..
coz i miss those time..
those exam's pressure that once been torturing me...
i miss the time when i was forced to stay overnight in the campus for study...
the time when i needed to swallow my supper in order gain extra time to study...
humm... this is a very very weird feeling...

Monday, September 19, 2005


上个周末真是一个百感交集日子,尤其是在中秋节前一天及当天。 在PJ MONASH 熬了四年的姐姐终于参加她的毕业典礼了,家里第一位大学生终于诞生,她的校园生涯也随之落幕。我们难得一家人“冲”上SUNWAY去观礼,特别是三姑,紧张的程度好比是她毕业似的。不过在此得好好的感谢她,我姐姐能够站在台上风风光光的接过大学文凭,她确实有一半的工劳。。。 不过最“炸” 到的还是我爸爸,他是一位不喜欢人多,气氛严肃,而且又室内的场面。。当在礼堂外面时。。。

结果爸爸在START BUCKS 里喝咖啡。。。。typical 的邱家,哈! 姐姐的CONVO有一点显,整个典礼很COMMERCIAL,什么都要钱(很多),感觉上这CONVO不是为了毕业生而做,只是另一个吸血的机会而已。


干嘛? 不是去中秋晚会吗?怎么会在那里BBQ呢? 哎,肯定又被那班仙家领骗了!SHIT!,还穿着长裤呢,肯定被笑了!

是的,被仙了。。。可是,这次却被仙的很开心,因为有很多没见面很久的老朋友们都出奇的出现了,一下子反应不来,不懂该先和谁谈天。。真的从新年到现在,好久没这么热闹了! 最后决定了。。。。还是










Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Philosophers in Mamak stall #1...

This is gonna be a long entry.. becoz im so freaking free now.. too free indeed...

how often i crap with my kaki in mamak stall? i have to say, the stat is too scary to be revealed, so i just keep it with myself. Sometimes(most of the time) we talking about nonsense during mamak session with friends, and sometimes we talk about serious stuffs as well... so erm.. just for keeping it as a record, i've decided to blog it down whenever i spot an interesting conversation.
here is one of those..

some 1: hey... do u know.. seremban really has a lot of mamak...
some 2: hhaha, ofcoz la.. that's why seremban ppls is very pro with crapping session in mamak~ haha
some 1: ya, being a seremban ppl, we don;t need to worry about no teh tarik to drink..
some2: yaloo...
some 1: u know that sohai XXX , one day he had nothing to do, he traveled around and did a survey about how many mamak stall is being opened in seremban~ haha!! GY.. then last week i went back, he submitted the report to me~ haha!
some 2: mahai~ really ah? haha!~~ zha lan dou~

and when we talk about our future....
some 2: u know that VVV, he got an offer from this MMM company.. 2500 wei~
some 1: hua~ very high wo.., big company some more... but then.. KL wo.. no life 1
some 1: ai... i think im gonna work in Seremban after grad...
some 2: er, why ? very sien 1 wo..
some 1: aiks.. same 1 la..yes u probably will get higher pay, but then ur living expanses there oso higher what.. some more eveyday u have to face the traffic jam.. reach home oredi 8++.. u'll get too exhausted and probably dun have the mood to read newapaper.. coz u prefer to dive into ur bed straight away...
some 2: well... u never tried it, so u'll never know la...
some 1: yes i'vd tried it once, last time during sem break i worked in KL what... so damn sien u know, i cannot imagine how am i goin to survive there for the rest of my life.
some 2: hey, but that's different la, u worked as a part time only, not ur courier, ofcoz u feel sien, coz u din get the satisfaction from ur job ma.. imagine u work in a big company and highly paid.. then is different.
some 1: i prefer to work in a small company and have a normal, peaceful life, i prefer a life where i can come home at 6 pm every day, watch tv, spend time with family and do whatever i like.... i dun need a challenging lifestyle.. that's not suitable for me.
some 2: well... is ur preference and i can't tell u what to do.. but then for me, it is a very pathetic way of thinking la.. i mean.. for our age.. we are still young, chances are everywhere.. why must give up before we even give it a try, i din mean that seremban don;t offer us chances la.. just it rarely does lo?
some 1: have u ever heard those rich oldman say... they work too hard during young age.. they got money but then in the end.. what they want is family and health... see.. working in a big city and seeking for glory doesn't mean is wrong, but apparently that's not the important stuff right?
some 2: i agree with u in a way la.. but not all... see sometime when we are working so hard, and very often we would ask ourself, i work so hard for what?
some 1: ok.. what u want to say here?
some 2: that means... for me.. i think we must have a goal and reason to work, if im working in a big city.. and ok, i agree, i probably would be very tense and overwhelmed, but then if i have something to motivate me.. say like my goal , then i will understand that im working so hard is becoz i wanna achieve something that i really want it to be achieved... not simply working for money money and money....
some1: hey... i dun buy this idea lo.. all this "goal" stuff is so unrealistic, in the end of the day.. u have to do a lot of stuff becoz u are forced to do it.. and all these stuffs are either directly or indirectly related to MONEY.. l
some 2: i always think that many thing is not that complicated.. it depends on ur own mind set.. tell me.. why u wanna buy a house? why not rent 1? why u wanna get married? why u wanna buy a Honda, instead of kancil? Izzit becoz u want it?... u like it?... u wanna do it? or the majority of the socirty think that u should want it? and u should like it? or u should get married ? may be im a bit selfish, but i think that if u are working hard for something u really really want it, u probably won't get so much pressure..
some 1: ya.. for me.. enuff eat enuff stay is ok liao. i dun need these kind of stuffs. now say so much oso no use... who knows..we may end up to be one of those ppls in the society who worship money instead of God.
some 2: haha~ may be la, we still young dude... is good to have dreams, the question is wheter u wanna live by ur dream ur not... i just dun agree to give up and just surrender so fast lo..
some 1: haha, dunno la...
some 2: haha sin ka lan only la~
some 1 & 2: hahahaha!!! mahai~ haha~~!!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Happy Birthday to you

911 is a famous number...
it is a famous TV program...
it triggered the War on Terrorist...
it's one day before my fatal FYP presentation...
yet... it is a special day for me, for us...

I use a lot of words while communicate with others...
Yet i always feel good to spend time with you eventhough when words are not around...
All i can say is...Happy Birthday to you
And i know that's enough...

to the special 1..

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

One step closer to no where....

make sure u dun have depression before u play this...

Guess all the final years students have not been sleeping well lately, this is one of the reason i hate the ending period of every semester, assignments due date are approaching... and to add salts onto our wound, FYP presentation will be taking place.
And what about the progress of my project? just like the title of this entry... one step closer to nowhere... ever since when i decided to use java as my project's language(programming), i knew my life would soon become a disaster. And for once i got it damn right! Spending whole day/night just to work on a simple prototype let me realised that im not even close to be an engineer. According to Mr Pau, engineers are professional cause they posses sophisticate skills and knowledge, which i merely have.
Anyway... experience tells me that some how, we would eventually get thru the obstacles, no matter how difficult we tot it could be, so im not that worry or depress about my project, things will get well anway. but then... about the comin presentation... if u ask me now... i guess i can only provide 2 slides of powerpoint slide for the project moderator...

Good morning sir, im gonna present you my FYP part1 ... bla bla bla...

And this is my progress so far, thank you very much. I'll work harder during part 2.

Saturday, September 03, 2005


今天终于把拖鞋换高掉了。。。很不舍得,因为它陪伴了我一年多,而且它也是我的21岁的生日礼物。起初还蛮赌栏的,因为我上一双,也是NIKE的拖鞋可以TAHAN两年多,这一双竟然不到两年就坏掉。 想清楚后。。。也明白了当中的原因,之前我穿了两年多的那双只需支撑67公斤的压力。。。最近坏了的那双却得支撑72-73公斤的压力。。真是为难了它,难怪它会英年早逝。

就近某某在YM抛出一个很深的问题,问题是,“WHAT IS LIFE?” ,什么是人生/生活?当然,我没有办法提供一个可以代表LIFE 的答案。。。我只对我自己的LIFE作出评论。我当时认为,人生是无奈的。有多无奈?我不能很具体的表达,只认为在人生中,我们得做出很多无奈的决定,明明不喜欢,不认同,不想做的东西,都会因为一些原因而被逼去做。如果一个人坚持己见,做事永远都是做给自己爽的话,就会被套上不负责任或自私的罪名。到底我们是为了自己而生存,还是为了整个生态而生存?


对了,前两天在某某BLOG上留了COMMENT,我引用了一段JOHN LENNON 的歌词,在BEAUTIFUL BOY 里的一段“life is what happen when u are busy making plans”。我非常认同这句话,生活上不是有很多突发事件吗?有时PLAN好的东西往往会遇到意外。。。可是有人却反对这引用名人语录的举动,真的很无奈,引用不是修辞法的一种吗?已死的人讲过的话都是鬼话吗?只会引用却不去了解和明白一些名人语录是lansai,没错,可是你又懂人家没有在了解它?所以嘛,还真的满无奈的。哈哈!

Monday, August 29, 2005

Tell me about it~

Last last Sunday..

I was all exhausted and sleepy, after returing home from a camp... nothing was better than diving into my smelly bed, except for one thing...ya, Online~ My eyes were partially closed while i stubbornly force my body to work overtime in order to satisfy my stupid desire. Fortunately, the desicion to sacrify my sleeping time was well paid off. I found that i was hired by a company in KL for my training~ well well well~ Someone finally noticed my talent huh~ i was excited because 2 months of "un-employed" status had came to an end. I quickly dialed the number and reached one of the company's officer, asked about my job scope and my allowence, everything went well as i was told that i will get 450 bugs for allowence, which is a very promising figure(for me la). ohya.. the company is located at Kepong.

Hum.. gotta find a place to live, i called a couples of my frens who live there to see wether they can help me to get a room in kepong or not. Thankfully one of my senior offered me to stay in his house, so nothin much to be worry about my accomadation... But one more thing... how that company look like? I was curious about the place that im gonna spend 3 months in it, so i called C2 and ask him about the company, and he said he never heard of that company b4... but he will try to look for it and take a picture of that company for me. Alright.. just sit back and wait.

hcchc2: dai lou
ahfee3: meh si
hcchc2: u got receive my mms?
ahfee3: no wo
hcchc2: no meh ? then i send it to u now la
ahfee3: i cannot view MMS
hcchc2: thenu can view if online la.. i expect u change already ..
hcchc2: wait la..ahfee3: okok
ahfee3: send agaon
hcchc2: going to disappoint u ..
ahfee3: hahaha
ahfee3: very lau ya?
ahfee3: they just sent me the offer letter
hcchc2: i send one more..i high light the door for u

TA DA!!!!!!!

wish me luck...

tell me about it...

Friday, August 26, 2005

Goin home.. 回家。

This weekend is gonna be special, im gonna get myself into a place where nobody cares about midterm exam, no 1 talks about assignment and most important of all, no one gives a damn about your progress in FYP. yoo hoo~~

yes, im goin home, only for the second time throughout this trimester. Hopefully my parent still can recognize me. If nothing goes wrong, like some others parents, they usually happy to see their only son found his way home. Except for one thing... Puppy(pet dog) and Nona(pet monkey) are gonna hate it when they see my evil face later on.. despite im the resident of the house, i dun think they have the same idea, i guess all the pets in my house treat me as a visitors who always make fun of them.. they'll probably will react like this when they see me..

well, wether u guys like it or not, im goin home now. screw u!