i'm not a huge fan of Malaysia's politic...
Dun get me wrong, i like my country very much and always been proud of being a Malaysian. Malaysia is a country blessed with abundance of natural resources. best if all... we don't have super disastrous earth quake or tsunami situation to be concerned of... I mean.. that's pole position in a race of economic development among others countries, right?...but despite all those competitive advantages, we "manage" to let other less resourceful countries to out perform us, one good example is our good neighbor, Singapore. When Singapore seceded Malaysia couple of decades ago, who would have thought they could go this far? Today we are behind them in terms of many aspect, and recently... Singapore, a country that don't even have enough natural water supply, surpassed Malaysia in terms of GDP last year, heartburn ?( actually, we might be able to feel some sense of achievement because i pretty sure our fellow malaysians who work in Singapore have got significant contribution to this.)
Not sure bout you.. but i sense the urgency for us to buck up and go up one notch on developing the country's economy... well.. for a start, let's stop all the stupid political fiasco about religion, racial and who should enjoy more privilege kind of topics... Malaysia is going 54 in about 4 months time and our politician still want to argue about things that should had put into bed 50 years ago... Childish political tactics like sexual scandal, and more sexual scandal seems to be all we care about nowadays. Every one is so agitated about everything that some what related to racial and religious topic... our politician leaders are so over-reacting on small issue, almost as bad as a football players spinning 540 degree before falling to the ground when some one tripped their toe.
To make things worse, our media seems enjoy to play along with it, instead of leading the society by propagating more meaningful information and putting things into perspective and educate the public... our media like to talk about sodomy and public porn screening. this is just too pathetic...
As a citizen, i'll continue to fulfill my due diligence by paying taxes, but i hope our leaders can settle their differences and look at the bigger picture... else we continue to be busy arguing who should get the bigger cut of the cake, but others already expanding the size of their cake. After all, in the end of the day, what really matters?
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