Tuesday, December 27, 2005

deng...(can't think of any title)

Merry belated Christmas, things have been getting all jam up together for the past few days. I dun even got the chance to plan my Christmas holiday and bam!!! here we are, holiday's over, and sick again(thanks to the turkey,steak and lamb chop, never forgetting the yellow ginger rice+rendang ayam from my Aunt. )

Never mind, coz im still able to spend my Christmas with my closest friends, family and my gal. Christmas has different meaning to different individuals, some treat it as a day to celebrate Jesus's birthday, some might thought that it is a perfect day to get drunk and loosing their virginity, or may be, to certain ppls, it means nothing more than a holiday. For me, Christmas is only special when u get to spend it with the ppls that u love(and i oso agree that Christmas is only exist becoz of Jesus's birth ), im lucky to spend a special Christmas this year. So getting sick now isn't so bad afterall.

After a peaceful holiday, immedietely i am bound to get back to work again. it is harder than an erected penis for me to get back to work right after holiday,especially when im caught in flu... i should have learn from the admin of my company... just take a MC and get back to sleep. but hey... not matter how difficult it is, afterall, im still a responsible person.. so, i eventually got up and went for work. siens...

And God will always favor a Mr Nice guy(me, er hum..). Today is one of the most interesting day throughout my industrial training. I went to Shah Alam to close down a business deal, which will let me make enuff money for new year shopping, is about a so called Consultant Engineer who has his own soft copy of drawings corrupted, so God sent me to him to solve his problem, he was happyy enuff to pay be good money of doin that. Im just worry that he has no money to pay me after the things is done. But is ok, i know the location of his office...if he dare to con me, he'll see..

anyway, that's not that important, what happen next was quite interesting. My colleuage asked me to join him on a techinical meeting in Setapak. Which means i get to visit a construction site this time, haha... how many trainees has done this? talking about contruction site, is not that kind of site that i visited last time, which is fully constructed and operating... this time, i get to visit a real construction site, where Indon workers are all over, heavy constuction machine and gadget is around. It was very exciting becoz i get to see the big picture of a contruction work closely... it's really looks like what we saw in TV, only thing different is, the really contruction is is very dusty, sands kept goin into my eyes. Then it was the meeting, nothing special there coz i hardly understand what they were discussing... i was concentrating on killing the irritating mosquito. After the meeting, we went for site inspection.Walking around in a construction site is no joke at all, dangerous places are all around, any mistake could cost a life... that's why.. i tried hard not to move around. But infact, an engineer doesn't have to move around on site, coz we sppend most of the time looking into the drawings. we dun even need to ask ppls to work, there's a site supervisor to do that job.

During the site inspection, i really thought that i am an Engineer. Simply becoz of this...

Just for ur information, engineer shouldn't wear a yellow helmet. I was given the yellow they have no more helmet for Engineers. The safety helmet for engineer should be white in colour. something like this..

well... get real... yet to become an Engineer... and photo editor as well...

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


看了一部旧电影, 听了一首旧歌曲。

我不知道 wo

电影结束的很突然,既然片名叫“新不了情”,为何却要让女主角死去? 如果我是导演,我会这样拍。。。

“女主角的癌症已到了后期,男主角为了救她,环绕地球一圈来寻找长生不死的药。 这时,上天被男主角的痴情所感动,于是赐了两颗仙丹给他们。 两人服了仙丹后,变成了神仙。。。从此在仙境里过着幸福快乐的日子。”

明显的,尔冬升是用脑拍片子, 我ahfee是用肺拍的。。。。。

Monday, December 19, 2005


过了一个很忙的周末。 节目排的满满的, 看见很多好朋友。 一切都很好, 可是不懂为何,我感觉不到应有的快感。。。却换来一点怪怪的感觉。 没有不开心,可是也没有开心。
回到来KL,感觉更加的空虚。。。突然间感到这城市很大, 自己快在这里迷失了。 然后,感觉不对劲,才知道自己生病了。 很少生病的我,在这期间病了两次。 colleuge们一定觉得我很弱吧。其实我也不想生病,在给我十天病假也情愿去上班。 因为一个人在这里养病的感觉比任何事情来得累,时间也特别长。 他妈的,我不是病猫,我明天就好起来!

p/s: 谢谢某同事陪我吃饭。

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Just for Friendship.

What have i learn during my entire ITP? Sometimes, my colleagues like to tease me, that instead of being a trainee, sometimes i look more like a permanant emplyee of my company (who work as a typist, engineer, IT technician & consultant). Very often, i found myself got stuck in somewhere whilr trying to pen my ITP log book, simply becoz i dun think those lecturers from FET will appreciate the truth. Thesefore, i've been quite a script writter at times. Well, may be some of u would think that im an asshole for doin this, but im sure most of my blog's readers(u know.. just few of u) would surely be understanding for this matter. So i bet in the end of the ITP, we will certainly gain some extra knowledge out of it, turning into a bunch of high creativity script writters instead of Engineers.

And what the hell is so damn wrong about my ITP, that cause my so damn reluctant to write in my log book? before i move into details... i would like to bring up something else. So im sure most of us had somehow being exposed to several management courses right? i believe most of us had taken some marketing, technical communication, managment or some other related courses... but infact, what we did was only memorizing the term and read out the PP slides during presentation, some of us even managed to score high grade for those courses, however, we merely got the chance to exposed ourself to the real business processes... what im trying to say is, i dun think what we've learned in campus is really what's happening in the society....or may be.. may be only ah!! The lecturers who taught us business, had never involved in anykind of businesss themselve..

So what's really happening in the real world? from my experience during these days.... it goes like this...

One day, i saw a miss called on my HP's screen... so, being a responsible person, i...

So Mr. Supplier replied

er hum... me and him for a beer? what if ppls think that im a gay? somemore, a beer session is never good with only 2 persons... like what the Carlsberg advertisement tells us...

"the best thing in life are shared"

ofcoz, Mr.Supplier is generous and keen enuff to meet more new friends

it certainly sounds great for me and my colleagues,but im not sure whether the "greatness" feelin is mutual... ur hem...but hey... please dun get this wrong, remember, this kind of "beer session" has totally no influence to the projects we are dealing... it's only held for the sake of friendship among a group of normal ppls...

erm.. can write this down in log book??

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


如果.愛 ~ 張學友

每個人 都想明白
特別在午夜醒來 更是會感慨
心痛埋怨 還有不能釋懷

如果這就是愛 在轉身就該勇敢留下來
就算受傷 就算流淚
愛 在回憶裡總是那麼明白
困惑的心 流過的淚

如果你 當時明白 後來的生命裡是快樂還是悲哀
就算受傷 就算流淚
愛 在回憶裡總是那麼明白
困惑的心 流過的淚

很久没有一首歌,可以让我一听再听。 记得在小时候喜欢把零用钱存起来,买一张自己喜欢的专辑回家,边听边学唱,虽然不太了解歌词中的含义,至少当时的我,是非常用心地去享受专辑里的每一个音符。
随着翻版,网上下载,和一大堆新歌手的出现,这个年代里, 想要听一首歌。。。已经不必守着电台等DJ播,或者啃面包存钱买卡带。 可是我偏偏在一个资讯这么发达的年代里,对听歌的热诚减少了。 我可以了解歌词的含义,却忘了用心去享受里头(歌曲)的音乐。



“如果。爱”没有让我变富有。。。 所以,我还是选择了下载。
学友, 我很穷,可是我很喜欢听你的歌。 soli...

Monday, December 12, 2005

i want something else

Ladies and Gentlements, hold ur breaths and prepare urself for the most amusing life style..

8.15am ---- wake up, turn of the alarm and go back to sleep.
8.30am ---- wake up, preparing for work.
8.45am ---- in the car, turn on the radio... try to drive as slow as possible.
9.10am ---- buy break fast, and walk slowly to the office.
9.15am ---- set up my pc, take my breakfast while browsing internet.
1.00pm---- Lunch
2.00pm(could easily be 3 pm)---- back to the office, continue working..
6 .oopm---- yeah... can go home.. wait.. my boss still in the office.. damn.. pretend to be hardworking(sometimes i dunno what's this for)
6.45pm(could be 7.30pm)---- go home... try to drive as fast as i can
8.oopm---- take my dinner, yeah.. alone. sometime with my coll.. only sometimes.
8.00++pm= reach home... exhausted... tired...

all night long--- try to do my FYP...but most of the time, my mind is totally numb and full with stars during this section. there fore, most proprably. im would ended up with something else, but none of them is interesting..

1 .00am--- this is the most depressing moment, not that i hate to sleep, but when think about what's gonna happen after i wake up... hai..

so, welcome to my life... i hope urs are better.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Attitude reflects leadership!

Dear Some 1,

when u want ur organisation to be enthusiatic, and ppls can happy be to work with u, remember, is work WITH you, not work FOR you, please learn how to respect others, and be a responsible person urself. It might be easy for u to give one stupid instruction, but ppls' life could be easily affected as a result of that...
i hope that someday,God will send some msg to you, so that ur nose can shrinks a bit and behave like a true leader.

Yours Faithfully,

Who Else

Monday, December 05, 2005


不要误会,今天绝对没有人得罪我,只不过是今天工作太忙碌。。。想发泄一下而已。。 嗨。。。。 好多了。 有多忙? 这样说好了,我今早买了一个大包,准备拿上公司里慢慢品尝,结果我只有时间把它“完成”一半。。。还是在边吃边做的情形下,简直就是消化不良!星期一就这么忙,不懂接下来的日子要如何傲过?$%^#^&%
还好,今天公司又来了一条水鱼(supplier), 午餐可又省回了。 老实说,现在有人请吃饭,我已经可以用平常心去应对。。。。不管吃些什么山珍海味,对我来说也只是一件可以省掉一餐的事情 ,没什么大不了。也许酱说有点嚣张,可是如果你每一天(几乎)都吃肉骨茶,大虾,大鱼或大肉,你会感觉到那盘简单的杂饭有多“温馨”,多有“feel”!
今天请客的是一位典型的SUPPLIER,满口奉承的话,誓要把你捧上天花板才甘愿。 在等菜上桌的同时,列常的互相哈啦一番。 谈着谈着,原来他是一名来自某某政党的某某支会的某某委员,也是某某政党青年部里的活跃分子。我的同事就趁机会问他一些课题的看法,他也随随便便的带过。。。然后在把对话的中心点环绕在他自己如何在党选里将对手给拉下。 当时的我,除了盼望厨房里的人手脚能快一些之外,也没有给予在多的反应了。 过后,某某政客越讲越爽,说他如何利用他的地位和人面来“帮助”他的朋友们得到工程合约,怎样把他朋友的孩子“保送”进大学,不但如此,他还尝试游说我和同事加入他的党派,理由就是,参政可以得到很多“好处”,还说,进党时,就重要就是----跟到对的老大,不然就不能出头。
他这番言论并没有让我感到惊讶,在某种程度上,我可悲的认为是合理的。不过,我既然有机会和一位人民义士同台高谈政治,当然就要发挥我的好奇精神! 于是。。我就。。

我:“对了,其实你们的党选真的是酱错综复杂的吗? 会有不合的情况出现?”
他:“这是当然的,在党里最重要是人马,你要是有好处给别人,别人就支持你。。。。一个党要如果当成一名议员或政府高官,他身边的人,要玩什么就什么了! 当然,这种福利是人人都要的,所以就看谁的势力比较大罗,哈哈!”
我:“那。。我冒犯的问一问, 你们对现在华社的课题做过什么样的东西呢? 例如,英文教数理啊。。。。华小师资短缺啊。。类似的。。。你们都说要内部解决,内部讨论。。。那。。。。通常结果是什么?你们真的有讨论的吗?”
他:“象他(指着我)这种人,是属于比较热血一点的,不过,现在大多数人进党是为了生意,很多人不过问这些啦。。 哈哈!!!!!”


想不到随便问几句时事课题就被冠上热血的代号,我除了无奈,更是佩服我国一些政客(不是你啦!)的思想,当时的我只想回他一句。。。。“KAN NI NIA!”,不过为了还未上桌的午餐,只好以笑带过心中的呐闷。 我在想,如果AHFEE是一名热血青年。。 哪。。
