Monday, August 29, 2005

Tell me about it~

Last last Sunday..

I was all exhausted and sleepy, after returing home from a camp... nothing was better than diving into my smelly bed, except for one thing...ya, Online~ My eyes were partially closed while i stubbornly force my body to work overtime in order to satisfy my stupid desire. Fortunately, the desicion to sacrify my sleeping time was well paid off. I found that i was hired by a company in KL for my training~ well well well~ Someone finally noticed my talent huh~ i was excited because 2 months of "un-employed" status had came to an end. I quickly dialed the number and reached one of the company's officer, asked about my job scope and my allowence, everything went well as i was told that i will get 450 bugs for allowence, which is a very promising figure(for me la). ohya.. the company is located at Kepong.

Hum.. gotta find a place to live, i called a couples of my frens who live there to see wether they can help me to get a room in kepong or not. Thankfully one of my senior offered me to stay in his house, so nothin much to be worry about my accomadation... But one more thing... how that company look like? I was curious about the place that im gonna spend 3 months in it, so i called C2 and ask him about the company, and he said he never heard of that company b4... but he will try to look for it and take a picture of that company for me. Alright.. just sit back and wait.

hcchc2: dai lou
ahfee3: meh si
hcchc2: u got receive my mms?
ahfee3: no wo
hcchc2: no meh ? then i send it to u now la
ahfee3: i cannot view MMS
hcchc2: thenu can view if online la.. i expect u change already ..
hcchc2: wait la..ahfee3: okok
ahfee3: send agaon
hcchc2: going to disappoint u ..
ahfee3: hahaha
ahfee3: very lau ya?
ahfee3: they just sent me the offer letter
hcchc2: i send one more..i high light the door for u

TA DA!!!!!!!

wish me luck...

tell me about it...

Friday, August 26, 2005

Goin home.. 回家。

This weekend is gonna be special, im gonna get myself into a place where nobody cares about midterm exam, no 1 talks about assignment and most important of all, no one gives a damn about your progress in FYP. yoo hoo~~

yes, im goin home, only for the second time throughout this trimester. Hopefully my parent still can recognize me. If nothing goes wrong, like some others parents, they usually happy to see their only son found his way home. Except for one thing... Puppy(pet dog) and Nona(pet monkey) are gonna hate it when they see my evil face later on.. despite im the resident of the house, i dun think they have the same idea, i guess all the pets in my house treat me as a visitors who always make fun of them.. they'll probably will react like this when they see me..

well, wether u guys like it or not, im goin home now. screw u!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


本blog将会继续播放John Lennon 的歌曲-Imagine。 喜欢这首歌不是因为我追求所谓的“乌托邦” 世界,只是我欣赏有思想和性格的音乐人,因为他们的音乐会让人思考和想象。可能有人觉得听歌是为了放松性情,不需要太认真,不过这种事情是见人见智的。。。


营的主题是“自律,自爱,自省”。。。当初看了这主题后,就认为我必需抱着学习的态度去参与它,哈哈!我真的是老了,因为在筹办的过程中,发觉自己认为这种以前会觉得很“leung4” 的东西,其实是很重要的,原因是在培训营里可以学习到很多东西,如果能够放开心怀去接受培训,真的会获益良多。


最候一晚的分享环节里,不论过程或结果都让我很惊讶。之前最没有信心的一环,竟然办得最好。营员们都合作的把心里话分享出来,有的还一时感触而哭了。在那时我体会了他们的心声,着重什么东西,抱着什么理想和心里有什么遗憾。要和刚认识的人分享这些事情,并非简单的事。。。可是他们真的做到了。回想起来,以前自己经历这种环节,肯定打死都不讲真心话。 营员们,u got my respect!








Thursday, August 18, 2005

Imagine John Lennon


Imagine there's no heaven,
It's easy if you try,
No hell below us,
Above us only sky,
Imagine all the peopleliving for today...
Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...
Imagine no possesions,
I wonder if you can,
No need for greed or hunger,
A brotherhood of man,
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...
You may say Im a dreamer,
but Im not the only one,
I hope some day you'll join us,
And the world will live as one.
Who is John Lennon? Members from the most famous band of all time, The Beatles? An peace activist who fought his way trying to stop the Vietnam war? A person who so messed up with his own personal life? A person who shot dead by a crazy people? Sometimes we care too much or ask to0 much about a singer/artist/actor, and forget about what their main reason to be around... let just listen to this song and imagine...

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


昨天芙蓉的朋友們又到訪了﹐算起來﹐這個學期開課以來﹐朋友們總是接二連三的來﹐每個星期都有客人﹐809 還真的熱鬧起來了。不知道是馬六甲真的是個好玩的地方﹐還是他們把這裡當成一個可以暫時讓他們逃避的地方﹖不管怎樣﹐有朋友來訪總是好事情﹐還是不要把它想得太複雜。原本有很多事要寫﹐可是有更重要的事情要辦﹐所以算了。 -完-

Monday, August 15, 2005

Let the music heal your soul~

Dun get suprise when u hear some piano sounds... is ok .. coz i post it here to share with u guys, i know now is July in Chinese calender, but then dun take it in the wrong way.. haha.May be some of u already heard this song before, but hardly know the song's name and the composer of it. Well, i post this here becoz this is one of my favourate songs of all time- Reflection of Passion, and the song's composer- Yanni, is one of the musician that i respect a lot. I m deeply impressed by his ability to compose, arrange, play and conduct music in such a sophisticating way.He is good in intergrating different elements of music into his songs, which impresses me even more. Nearly everytime, after i listened to his songs .. i feel like im insulting music everytime i strum my guitar... Technically, i really dunno and not qualified to judge his music.. I can only say that, for me... this fella is like a God of music. Ofcoz we can't compare Yanni with all the great Musician like Beethoven, Mozart or Chopin.. coz they are playing music in different category, Yanni's stuff is belong to New Age music(correct me if im wrong).... and i hope you guys like it,if not.. just click on the stop button la~ haha

"All the lines that we see on a map, they actually do not exist "--yanni

Sunday, August 14, 2005

True or Fiction?!

i was frustrated with all the cryto craps while i was studying for my mid term tomolo. Cryptography is what? It is the so called science of encrypting information. For me.. it's just another troublesome task created by the insecure human beings to make sure that their informations are safe from others . We are forced to study Computer security and Cryptography simply becoz we, human beings never trust each others... we dun trust our government(even though they were chosen by us), we dun trust our lecturers,sometimes we dun even trust ourself, we dun trust our friends, we dun trust our gf/bf...... and the list goes on until the end of the world....... As a result...i have to study for Computer Security and learn how to "dun trust others".

As i got enuff of this nonsense... i decided to do some "time wasting" activity to refresh my congested mind--- like surving friendster. it has been a while since the last time i log on to friendster... as usual... i routinely browsed thru all my friend's page to see if there are any new pics were being uploaded. While i was doin all these stupid stuffs, i found that friendster has developed into a very powerful website... it has it's own search engine, blog, horoscope... it could even find a job for you. walau... geng... then i noticed another interesting stuffs...

Popular searhes in network

this allows us to find out what is the recent trend among my own friends... and it indirectly let others know about what kind of friends u are mixing with.. and as i continued surving to several more pages... i found that they have similar interest, common 1... like adidas shoe, mp3 players, free mp3, prada purse and so on...

quite similar stuffs......

another one....

up till this stage... i've given up surving it anymore coz i felt like wanna continue my study.. and before i log out... i was curious about my own network's popular seacrh.. so i clicked on my own profile and guess what i got?

for those who cannot read chinese, let me translate for u,

1.My horny sister(really? what's ur problem?)

2.Female teacher making love.

6. Sexual literatures



10. Sex posture.

Nabeh!! i couldn't belive it... i got skeptical about this popular seaches thingy... could it be a random list. It really shows the true result? or just simply make fun of me? But then thinking of the ppl's around me... somehow, it could a be a real one... hahah!! Anyway i hope that is not true... if it heppen to be true... Dude,what's ur problem?!!

Friday, August 12, 2005

EPL and Manchester United. 英超与曼联is back!!!

请问你们的大学生涯里,除了日常生活以外,花最多时间的活动是什么? 可能认识我的人都认为我的答案肯定是喝茶,他们酱想。。。。绝对没有错,是喝茶, 哈哈! 不过,除了喝茶以外,看曼联的球赛绝对是我的周末不二节目! 可以说。。。花太多时间来看球不是很FIT, 不过自从FORM1 开始迷恋上曼联后,我就对球赛不能自拔了。

其实以前的我最爱看的是羽毛球,过后大马队变老爷后就爱上NBA,不久Micheal Jordan不玩了,我也sien掉,就不懂如何慢慢变得喜欢看足球。在众多队伍里,哪一队是我的最爱? 我承认我也是被商业广告和市场策略影响的其中一份子,那个年代开始看球的,多半会是曼联的球迷。我也理所当然的成为曼联的支持者。

Glory glory Man United!!!!



Nike Sponsored... GY... that's why can't afford to buy their jersey. Fuck You , Phil Knight!!!


Sunday, August 07, 2005


My oh my! i never tot this day would arrives in such a quick pace, even if i looking into those photos, i still couldn't be convinced that these ppls are graduated. I still can remember our very 1st day in MMU Orientation... in a blink of eye... here we are, waving our hands to each others, greets and wishes are all over the place.However,for my suprise, the Convo ended in a very calm way, a little opposing with the one in my mind before... the one with emotions, satisfaction, pride and of coz, tears. All these was absent during the Convo, i wonder what went wrong... izzit becoz most of the grads do not have close frens with them? The ceremony was too bore and every1 kena "potong stim" ? Or may be... graduating from University isn't a big deal at all... i hope this is not true anyway.
Today is one of the biggest day in my life, just like my last day in primary and secondary school... a series of celebrations,a mixture of joy and sadness, full of anticipation, but the only thing differrent is, today is not my last day in University... Strange? hum... i kept mention this to my frens, "hey, they graduating only mah, non of our business oso, why we all so happy? so happy for what?". But then no 1 knew the answer better then myself. I am happy for my buddies , everyone i know, especially for those who i spent most my time with. Housemates, Micros' pals, yum char kaki, futsal kaki... seniors... etc.
To witness their final moment in University is one of the best thing i could do, shooting photos of each others, capturing the moment of truth, coz may be some of the faces might never appear infront of me again. 所谓“天下无不散之宴席”,老套归老套,还可想不出有更好的句子了。
At last, many thanks for those who shared their ups and downs with me, those who guided me when i was lost, help me when i was in trouble , those who created troubles for me,those who gave me support when i needed them most. Thanks you for filling up colours in my struggling campus life. May god bless you all.
Smk Methodist ACS Seremban.
2006 Convocation Rehearsal
Housemate and Chuan(Where the hell is GY Lip?)
Another rehearsal.. hihi
finally, a little out of topic...
who got this song? can send it to me? haha!!


Tuesday, August 02, 2005


好不容易从玻璃市回来,车程一来一往用了大概十七个半小时,walao! 这时一个难忘的经验。。。不过这趟旅程从算满载而归,吃好,睡好之余还去了一趟langkawi,简直就不枉此行。如果回来没有生病的话,那就perfect啦!
其实这回北上之旅的主要目的是让在下女友的父母见在下一面,让他们两老看看什么叫做绝顶好男孩,知道他们的宝贝女儿有眼光独到!嘻嘻。。。言归正传,跟女朋友的家人相处数天,发觉她们一家人感情特好,而且还很友善,所以不难和他们熟起来,也没有很大的压力。然而事情当然没有那么简单,为了博取世伯伯母的好印象。。。我被逼每天一大早起来装健康,其实是累到半死还装出一副理所当然的样子。当然,世伯伯母也看出我的用心,对我照顾有佳,带我四处观光,fit! 虽然和女朋友家人一起外出的感觉有点怪,可是想到可以不花分毫就可以游遍整个perlis和吃好料,Mou Diu!
到了perlis,当然要去Langkawi跑一跑。大概五年前,带着一点点的钱,和另外七条水一起来到这地方,当时的心情和画面依然历历在目。五年后,战在同一个地方,身边的朋友们不在一起了,换了是一个伴侣,走的每一步都是感触和怀念。。。唉,时间真的不等人(吊,几时变的酱感性了。anyway,banana trip is still the best!) .
